There are several easy ways just to pay your order at Click below for further details on each payment options or reach out to our Customer Call Centre at 021-29181155 or
This is an Internet Banking payment from BCA
- you need to input your KlikBCA user id when you do a checkout process
- Open KlikBCA page and login
- Choose Ecommerce payment, category fashion/accessories and choose
- Choose the transaction that you want to pay and Choose continue
- Re-confirm the transaction by inputting the token key and the payment is complete
- This is an instant payment without any payment confirmation needed.
- If you choose this payment method, please make sure to complete your payment within 2 (two) hours to avoid order cancellation by system.
More simple and faster solution for our Customer who have BCA bank account. Comes with an automated payment confimation, so customer doesn''t need to confirm the bank transfer. Your Virtual Account number will be 39062 + last 11 digits of billing''s mobile number, e.g: mobile number is 08123456789 then your VA number is 3906208123456789 Below are the steps when using this payment method:
BCA Virtual account payment from BCA ATM (automated Teller Machine)
- Choose Fund Transfer and Transfer to BCA Virtual account
- Input the BCA Virtual account number that given when you place the order
- ATM screen will display the transaction, Choose Yes to continue
- ATM screen will display the transaction confirmation, Choose Yes to pay the transaction
- Follow the step until it success
BCA Virtual account payment from KlikBCA / Internet banking
- Choose Fund Transfer and Transfer to BCA Virtual account
- Input the BCA Virtual account number that given when you place the order, choose to save the virtual account number for easier payment for next purchases
- KlikBCA will display the transaction, Choose Yes to continue
- KlikBCA will display the transaction confirmation, Choose Yes to pay the transaction
- Follow the step until it success
BCA Virtual account payment from m-BCA (BCA Mobile)
- Choose m-transfer and Transfer to BCA Virtual account
- Choose on which account that you will use
- Input the BCA Virtual account number that given when you place the order
- Payment confirmation on whic BCA account is displayed, Choose to confirm
- Transaction confirmation is displayed, Choose OK to continue
- Input the Web Order number as reference in the news/info field
- Follow the step until it success
If you choose this payment method, please make sure to complete your payment within 2 (two) hours to avoid order cancellation by system.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and JCB with secure protocol to ensure your data security. When you choose this payment method, you will be redirect to our payment gateway partner to fill the Credit Card number, Expired date, CVV code ( 3 digits ) and other validation data. It will also need OTP ( one time password ) code to confirm the payment, so please ensure your mobile number is active and in coverage.This is an instant payment without any payment confirmation needed.
- you need to input your KlikBCA user id when you do a checkout process
- Open KlikBCA page and login
- Choose Ecommerce payment, category fashion/accessories and choose
- Choose the transaction that you want to pay and Choose continue
- Re-confirm the transaction by inputting the token key and the payment is complete
- This is an instant payment without any payment confirmation needed.
- BCA Virtual account payment from BCA ATM (automated Teller Machine)
- Choose Fund Transfer and Transfer to BCA Virtual account
- Input the BCA Virtual account number that given when you place the order
- ATM screen will display the transaction, Choose Yes to continue
- ATM screen will display the transaction confirmation, Choose Yes to pay the transaction
- Follow the step until it success
- BCA Virtual account payment from KlikBCA / Internet banking
- Choose Fund Transfer and Transfer to BCA Virtual account
- Input the BCA Virtual account number that given when you place the order, choose to save the virtual account number for easier payment for next purchases
- KlikBCA will display the transaction, Choose Yes to continue
- KlikBCA will display the transaction confirmation, Choose Yes to pay the transaction
- Follow the step until it success
- BCA Virtual account payment from m-BCA (BCA Mobile)
- Choose m-transfer and Transfer to BCA Virtual account
- Choose on which account that you will use
- Input the BCA Virtual account number that given when you place the order
- Payment confirmation on whic BCA account is displayed, Choose to confirm
- Transaction confirmation is displayed, Choose OK to continue
- Input the Web Order number as reference in the news/info field
- Follow the step until it success
Apa itu Kredivo?
Kredivo adalah metode pembayaran kredit digital di Indonesia. Kredivo menawarkan fasilitas cicilan di tanpa perlu memiliki kartu kredit. Kini kamu bisa membeli barang impianmu sekarang dan bayar nanti dalam 30 hari atau dengan cicilan 3, 6, dan 12 bulan. Pendaftaran hanya 5 menit, tanpa survei, dan aplikasi kreditmu akan diproses dalam waktu kurang lebih 1 x 24 jam.
Mengapa harus menggunakan Kredivo?
- Pembayaran fleksibel dan bunga lebih rendah (0% untuk PayLater dalam 30 hari dan cicilan tenor 3 bulan, serta 2,6% per bulan untuk cicilan tenor 6 dan 12 bulan).
- Kamu berkesempatan mendapatkan limit kredit hingga 30 juta.
- Tanpa DP, kamu bisa mendapatkan barang yang kamu beli sebelum bayar sepeserpun!
- Checkout dalam 2 klik saja dan barang belanjaanmu akan segera diproses. Tidak perlu memasukkan data-data sensitif, lebih cepat dari mobile banking.
- Tanggal jatuh tempo tagihan dihitung 30 hari dari tanggal transaksi, sehingga tanggal jatuh tempo setiap transaksi bisa bervariasi.
Persyaratan mendaftar akun Kredivo:
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Usia minimum 18 tahun
- Akun starter dan basic: berdomisili di seluruh Indonesia
- Akun premium: berdomisili di Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Palembang, Medan, Bali, Yogyakarta, Solo, Makassar, Malang, Sukabumi, Cirebon, Balikpapan, Batam, Purwakarta, Padang, Pekanbaru, Manado, Samarinda, Kediri, Tasikmalaya, Tegal, Lampung, Banjarmasin, dan Pontianak.
- Berpenghasilan minimum Rp3.000.000
Cara membayar di dengan Kredivo
- Pilih metode pembayaran Kredivo di Checkout Page dan pastikan Anda telah memiliki akun Kredivo sebelum checkout.
- Apabila Anda telah memiliki akun Kredivo silakan Login menggunakan akun Kredivo Anda saat checkout, apabila belum memiliki akun Kredivo, Daftar terlebih dahulu.
- Pilih Kredivo dan sub-metode Bayar dalam 30 hari atau Cicilan di halaman Metode Pembayaran, dan klik Bayar Sekarang.
- Bayar dalam 30 Hari
- Tanpa minimum transaksi.
- Transaksi maksimum sesuai dengan limit kredit Anda.
- Bunga 0% untuk pembayaran tidak lebih dari 30 hari.
- Cicilan 3, 6, 12 Bulan
- Berlaku untuk pembelian 1 atau lebih produk dalam 1 keranjang belanja dengan minimum transaksi Rp. 500.000,-
- Transaksi maksimum sesuai dengan limit kredit Anda (maksimum 30 juta).
- Bunga 0% untuk tenor 3 bulan
- Bunga 2,6% per bulan untuk tenor 6 dan 12 bulan
- Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman pembayaran Kredivo untuk menyelesaikan pembayaran.
- Untuk menggunakan promo, klik menu Voucher Untukmu dan pilih voucher yang tersedia sesuai syarat dan ketentuan promo.
- Masukkan OTP yang sudah dikirimkan ke nomor HP yang terdaftar dan klik Bayar.
- Saat ini Kredivo berlaku di Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Palembang, Medan, Bali, Yogyakarta, Solo, Makassar, Malang, Sukabumi, Cirebon, Balikpapan, Batam, Purwakarta, Padang, Pekanbaru, Manado, Samarinda, Kediri, Tasikmalaya, Tegal, Lampung, Banjarmasin, dan Pontianak.